Tip of the Day: One of the common tasks in Microsoft D365 Finance and Supply Chain (D365 F&SC) is to refresh the data in different environments. For instance, you may want to copy the Production data to Test for testing purposes. However, not everything is copied exactly as it is in the source environment. Some data and settings are either excluded or disabled during the copy process. This is to avoid conflicts, errors, or unwanted transactions. In this blog post, we will explain what is not copied or disabled, and how to enable or restore them if needed.
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Things to do after a database has been copied to another environment:
1) Since all users except for the Admin user is “disabled”, you need to enable users by going to System administration > Users > Users.
Note: A quick way to enable the users is by using the Excel Add-in. Once you’re in Excel, click Design and add the “enable” field to the spreadsheet, set “enable” to “true” and publish.

2) Since batch jobs are disabled, to enable the Batch Jobs by going to System administration > Inquires > Batch jobs > select the batch jobs, click Change status > Waiting > OK.

3) The Print Management setup is cleared with the copy. Setup Print management in Forms > Form Setup > Print Management.
Do this in the following modules:
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Project Management and Accounting

If a Document is to be emailed or sent to a printer, click on the arrow on the Designation line > click Printer Setup.

A few things to know:
1) All Microsoft-encrypted fields will be cleared because they can't be decrypted on a different database server. An example is the Password field in the SysEmailSMTPPassword table.
2) No file stored in Azure blob storage is copied from one environment to another. This includes document attachments and custom Microsoft Office templates. These documents won't be changed and will remain in their current state.
3) Dual-write configuration is not copied. To setup a new link on the target environment after this operation is successful, see Dual-write environment linking.
4) Any change-tracking on entities will be disabled.
5) Email addresses in the LogisticsElectronicAddress table are not copied.
6) SMTP Relay server in the SysEmailParameters table is not copied.
Great summary!