D365 F&SC Tip of the Day: In Microsoft D365 Finance and Supply Chain (D365 F&SC), in Procurement and Sourcing, the Charge Codes by default will be posted at the time of the Purchase Order Invoice. However, there is an option to post the Charge Codes at the time of posting the Product Receipt.
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Go to Procurement and sourcing > Setup> Procurement and Sourcing Parameters > Updates > set Generate charges on product receipt to Yes.

Go to Accounts Payable > Setup> Accounts Payable Parameters > General > set Post Product Receipt in Ledger to Yes.

Go to Cost Management > Setup> Inventory Accounting Policies Setup > Item Model Groups > place a checkmark on Post Physical Inventory.

Defining Charges Codes
Before the Charges Codes will be accounted at time of posting product receipt, the set Debit the Type to Item. The Credit type can be either Ledger or Vendor.
Note: When doing the Purchase Order, the Charges need to be on the Line(s) not the Header of the Purchase Order.
