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Credit Management Part 1 - Security and Workflows

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

Tip of the Day: In Microsoft D365 Finance and Supply Change (D365 F&SC), Credit Management allows you to set credit limits for the long-term, but you can also set temporary credit limits to accommodate timeframes where the customer might be at a higher risk. Insurance and guarantees that you may purchase to cover certain risks can be added to the customer’s credit limit to lower their overall lability. You can also setup credit limits groups to manage sister-companies holistically and reduce the overall risk of a customer’s footprint both in a single legal entity and across multiple D365FO legal entities. Once the initial setup is complete, risk scores are auto updated allowing the ebb and flow of risk to be automatically adjusted based on key points like the customer’s average days to pay, average balance, etc. Risk groups, which are used to determine risk scores, are also used to set automatic credit limits. The evaluate for release process can also be schedule in a recurring batch to auto-release Sales Orders from hold. This along with the existing collection management features give the credit manager full visibility of the potential risk exposure and the tools need respond with very little maintenance across multiple D365FO legal entities. Due to the size of the topic this will be an 11-part blog series.

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What’s in Credit Management?

The objective in writing this blog is to give you an initial overview and then get into the nitty-gritty details so that after reading the blog series you have a comprehensive understand of how to setup and apply the new Credit Management features.

There’s one disclaimer, the Credit Management functionality is all around Sales Orders and a little bit in Free Text Invoices. At this point in time, the Credit Management features do not apply to Project Invoices.

Part 1

Is Credit Management enabled in your environment?

First things first, is Credit Management enabled in your environment? To see if Credit Management has been enabled, go to System administration > Workspaces > Feature Management > enter credit management into the search field > check the Enable date. If the Enable date is populated that means that Credit Management is enabled in your environment or will be on that date.

Are there any new security roles for Credit Management?

Yes, there are 2 new security roles. I did not test out the new security roles but if you want to view the details of each of the roles, go to System administration > Security > Security configuration > look for Credit management clerk and Credit management manager > to view the security details click on View permissions.

One thing I learned is this. . .even though the Credit Management configuration is setup per legal entity, by using the new security roles you can manage the Credit Hold List across multiple legal entities.

Are there any new workflows available?

Yes, there are 3 new workflows. To access the workflow setup, go to Credit and collections > Setup > Credit management workflows.

Here are the workflows and a brief description of each.

1) Credit management release workflow – If a sales order is on hold, you can setup a workflow for the record to go through to be release from hold.

2) Credit limit adjustment line workflow – When using Credit limit adjustments, if you want each line on the adjustment batch to go through a workflow, used this workflow option.

3) Credit limit adjustment workflow – When using Credit limit adjustments, if you want the whole batch to go through a workflow, used this workflow option.

This blog is a multi-part blog series detailing the Credit Management functionality in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. Look for additional releases in this series!


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