Tip of the Day: In Microsoft D365 Finance and Supply Chain (D365 F&SC), Part 6 What’s in Credit Management? This blog is the next part of a multi-part blog series detailing the Credit Management functionality in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. Look for additional releases in this series!
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If you have a group of customers that share a Credit limit, setup a Customer credit group and add each of the customers to the group (a customer can only be in 1 Customer credit group). One of the beautiful things about the Customer credit group is that it can span legal entities. So, if you have multiple D365FO legal entities, the customers in the other companies can all share the Credit limit that’s setup for the Customer credit group.
Note: For Customer credit groups to be used in the credit logic, Check customer credit group credit limit must be set to Yes in Credit and collections management parameters.
To access Customer credit groups, go to Credit and collections > Customers > Customer credit groups.

To add a new Customer credit groups, click New.

To add customers to the Customer credit group, in the Customers section, click Add customers.
